Princ d.o.o. is a family business with a long tradition. From the very beginning, Princ has established itself in the market with strength and character, and the philosophy of management has always been differentiation and focus on niche markets.
In the first 10 years of operation, the company was the largest wholesaler of paper and goods intended for printing industry, after which the management decided on a major turnaround in business and focused on the production of all types of PVC cards.
PVC cards remained the core business on which the company improved and built other activities, so in 2010 the Princ started personalization with digital print. With the synergy of these two technologies, the company has become the largest personalization center in the region.
Thanks to our partners, the company is present in the largest loyalty programs in the region and we are using those acquired knowledge and experience to other projects in which we offer our own customized loyalty solution.
Through many years of research and investment in development, in 2020 we decided to expand our business in another segment, RFID technology.
By combining several segments – card production, digital printing, loyalty programs, RFID technology – Princ wants to become the only such player on the market.
Today, the company supplies its products and services to more than 15 countries in Europe.